www.OliveTheOtherReindeer.co.uk - Terms & Conditions of use

1.) The use of Services
The use of services &/or continued use of services from www.OliveTheOtherReindeer.co.uk; .co.uk (a Trading Name of UK Social Club Limited), [hereafter referred to as "Olive" or "The Company" or "The Website/s"] & The use of this & associated Website/s (www.OliveTheOtherReindeer.co.uk or any of the UK Social Club Limited associated websites or services), constitutes agreement to these terms.

"We" means www.OliveTheOtherReindeer.co.uk, Olive, UKSC, UK Social Club Limited or any of our group of companies & services and "our" shall be construed accordingly.
"You" means the person, firm, company or organisation browsing and/or using the Website/s.

2.) Automated Links
You agree, by the use &/or the continued use of this website/s, to be offered automatic links to other sites &/or adverts which, we hope will be of interest to you.
You are under no obligation to click on these links or visit these sites. If you do, it is under your sole responsibility.
We offer these links to ensure that we can keep this website 100% Free for you to use & to help reduce your recruitment costs!!
If you do not agree to this, please Stop using our services and close this browser tab immediately!

3.) Content
3a. Website Content
Whilst we make every effort to ensure that the information on our Website is accurate and complete, some of the information is supplied to us by third parties, therefore we are not always able to check the accuracy or completeness of that information.Using this website, associated websites and sites that are linked to this & our associated websites, is done entirely at your own risk. You acknowledge and agree to this whenever you use this website.
We do not accept any liability arising from any inaccuracy or omission in any of the information on our Website or any liability in respect of information on the website supplied by you, any other website user or any other person.

3b. 3rd Party Content
We do not accept any responsibility for or liability in respect of the content of those sites, the owners of which do not necessarily have any connection, commercial or otherwise, with us.
Using the automatic links to gain access to such sites is entirely at your own risk.

4.) Cookie Policy
We use Cookies on our website to enhance and improve the customer journey.
The single most important job of a cookie is to keep a user logged in as they browse from page to page by doing such things as remembering preferences, so you don't have to keep re-entering your choices when you visit again and measuring how you use a site, so that changes can be made to ensure it meets your needs.
Cookies are files you can delete. You probably do not want to block all cookies, because that would really limit the quality of your Internet experience.
You can set your browser to ask your permission before accepting a cookie though, and only accept them from websites you trust.
You can find more details on how to manage cookies in your browser here!
You can find out more on what cookies are & what rules are in place to safeguard you here!

5.) Disclaimer
JIT shall not be responsible for any damages your business may suffer from using our website &/or services. JIT makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied for services we provide. JIT disclaims any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, no service deliveries, wrong service delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by JIT, its employees & Service Providers.

6.) Liabilty
We accept no liability for any loss (whether direct or indirect, for loss of business, revenue or profits, wasted expenditure, corruption or destruction of data or for any other indirect or consequential loss whatsoever) arising from your use of the Website and we hereby exclude any such liability, whether in contract, tort (including for negligence) or otherwise. We hereby exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to the Website and your use of it to the maximum extent permitted by law.
You agree to indemnify us and keep us indemnified against all costs, expenses, claims, losses, liabilities or proceedings arising from use or misuse by you of the Website.
You must notify us immediately if anyone makes or threatens to make any claim against you relating to your use of the Website.

7.) Privacy Policy
This privacy policy explains how we use the personal information we collect about you when you use the Website.
We will process your personal data on the basis set out below, as it is in our legitimate interests to do so following your registration.
The point where data is collected:
When you create an account/register on our website/s; Website Administration; Browsing/Using our website/s; Signing up to our newsletter; Posting Job Adverts; Applying to Job Adverts; Enquiries - Where your personal data is collected when you ask questions relating to our services and/or your account.
What Personal Data we hold
Identity; Contact; Technical; Profile; Usage data; Other personal data you provide in relation to your enquiry Content of chats, messages, or enquiries; number of messages you've sent and received; when you viewed a message; who responded to your chats.
How we may use the data collected
To enable you to receive our services; manage our relationship with you; monitor & improve our service offering; communicate with you regarding your account; Answer and manage your enquiries; Run analytics and statistics; Add your questions or concerns to your profile so we can understand your interests; and preferences and Troubleshoot any problems that you are experiencing.
Additionally, we also use non personal data such as Demographics & Usage Statistics, to improve services offered.
Our legal basis for processing your personal data
To perform our contract with you so that you can use our services; to better engage with you; Where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation (data subject access rights); Provide proof of use which includes but not limited to date, time, IP Address and pages visited.

8.) Disclosure to law enforcement
JIT may disclose any subscriber information to law enforcement agencies without further consent or notification to the subscriber upon lawful request from such agencies. We will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies.

9.) Shop Products & Apparel
All our Shop Products, Wearable & Apparel are provided by Third Party Websites & Fulfilment centers.
We work hard to find the Best suitable providers of all the top class current services available.
As the provision and fulfilment is done by third party companies, we can't take any liability for anything purchased, delayed or damaged through their services.
For product returns & enquiries, you will need to contact the provider directly using their customer service contacts.

10.) Changes to the TOS (Terms & Conditions of Service)
JIT reserves the right to revise its policies & Terms & Conditions of use at any time without notice.
You agree to accept the terms and conditions (as amended) when you next use the Website following any amendment.
It is therefore suggested that you check this page everytime you revisit our website.